Introduction to the Ireland Tour


Welcome to our tour of the “Emerald Isle”. Whether by government proclamation or its natural appearance, green is a fitting national color. Many visitors see a lush island, full of thatched cottages, pubs, music, wit, and poetry. The relaxed good humor of the people makes Ireland a welcoming place to visit. With their genuine love of old folk legends and epic poetry and songs, the Irish people are in no danger of losing their culture. We will make a complete circle of the island, beginning and ending in Dublin. This gives us a first hand look at one of Ireland’s greatest attractions, its landscapes. It varies from bogs and lakes to mountains and rocky islands in the west. Between these extremes we find abundant lush, green pastures. You will experience the creation of the crystal of Waterford, the pottery of Belleck, and the tweed of Donegal, as well as many local crafts throughout the country. You will observe medieval castles and Gothic and Victorian architecture. In this divided country we will get a close -up look at Belfast and Dublin, two of the great cities of the world. With more people of Irish descent in the US than in Ireland, it is no wonder this island is more a state of mind than a place on the map.